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The Truth about Rental Car Insurance: Do You Really Need It?


You have everything planned out perfectly. The house is secure, air conditioning turned up, underwear packed, and the dog sitter settled. Your flight arrives on time and you are ready to begin that much-needed vacation. However, you are one question away from that stress-free mindset.

“Do you need insurance for your rental car?” asks the rental car service lady as she hands you a clipboard of terms and conditions.

You start to ask yourself, do I need insurance for my rental car? I have car insurance; but do I need to buy their coverage too?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question varies based on the type of car insurance coverage you have or even your credit card.

The following includes different situations in which you may or may not need car insurance:

You already have personal car insurance coverage.

Before you go on a trip that involves renting a vehicle, it is important to call your local insurance agent. The Pettineo Insurance Agency is often asked this question and we are more than happy to provide them everything they need to know regarding their car insurance policy and rentals.

If your policy does not cover rental cars, has a high deductible or does not include collision coverage, which is coverage that pays for damages to your vehicle from accidents involving other cars or objects, you may wish to purchase additional coverage from the rental company.

Your credit card offers rental car insurance.

Some credit card providers, such as VISA, offer rental car insurance to certain members. Once again, it is important to contact your credit card company and get a clear understanding of what coverage you are offered.

You are traveling on business.

Your employer may have certain corporate policies and procedures that provide car insurance. Make sure to speak with human resources or the travel department to understand what you need to do upon renting a car.

You are renting a car in a foreign country

Before your leave the country, make sure to call your insurance agency for any exclusions or limitations on your insurance policy. If your policy is not covered abroad, ask your insurance agent about third party travel insurance that may cover a foreign rental.

At the end of the day, it is important to have your insurance agent’s phone number handy to answer any of the above questions. It is our job at the Pettineo Insurance Agency to help you make informed decisions, minimize your exposure to risk and enjoy that much-needed vacation time.

To learn more about your car insurance policy and what it may or may not cover, contact us at http://pettineoinsurance.com/contact_us.html.

Disclaimer: Insurance coverage cannot be bound or changed via submission of any online form/application provided on this site or otherwise. No binder, insurance policy, change, addition, and/or deletion to insurance coverage goes into effect unless and until confirmed directly by a licensed agent.